It is also known as Surya or Aditya. It is the ruler of all the planets. It is the source of life. It completes one cycle of zodiac in 12 months and thus it remains in one zodiacal sign for one month. Sun stands for father, spirit, success, intellect, strength, wisdom, fortune, will power, fame, wealth, vigor, dignity, ardor and generosity. It is the power of the individual to meet the challenges of everyday life. It also shows the ability for a person to function as a mature. It rules royalty and higher office. The sun represents kings, government officials, people in government service and leaders. It represents wealthy or famous people, as well as those living in or connected with a church, temple or religious institution. It also represents creative people like artists, actors, jewelers, gemologists, leadres etc.
Exalted |
: |
Aries |
Debilitated |
: |
Libra |
Body Part |
: |
Right Eye |
MahaDasha |
: |
6 years |
Gem |
: |
Ruby |
Numerology |
: |
1 |
Colour |
: |
Red |
Nakshtra |
: |
Kritika,Utrashadha,Ut.Phalgu |
Element |
: |
Fire |
Bhav Karak |
: |
1,9,10 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om ghrani suryay namah' |
Day |
: |
Sunday | |
It is significant of mind and emotions. It represents mother. It is feminine, cold and watery planet. As per Hindu astrology the sign in which is moon is placed at birth time is the birth sign of the individual. Moon in its journey through zodiac moves from one constellation to the next and completes one cycle in 28 days. Dates of Hindu festival and birthdays of Hindu gods are decided since ancient time by the Tithi (Lunar day) of moon. The Moon indicates a person's thinking, feelings and other mental processes. It gives intuitive nature, memory, taste, youth, love of poetry, music, attractive looks and sensuality. Its influence makes one moody, emotional and sensitive. It represents interaction with the public or public businesses, water, liquids and the tides of the sea over which it rules. The Moon also possesses dominance over the waters and liquids within our bodies. The Moon is also responsible for growth, fertility and conception, pregnancy and childbirth.
Exalted |
: |
Taurus |
Debilitated |
: |
Scorpio |
Body Part |
: |
Left Eye |
MahaDasha |
: |
10 years |
Gem |
: |
Pearl |
Numerology |
: |
2 |
Colour |
: |
White |
Nakshtra |
: |
Rohini, Hasta, Shrawan |
Element |
: |
Water |
Bhav Karak |
: |
4 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om som somay namah' |
Day |
: |
Monday | |
Mars is the action Planet of the Zodiac. It remains in one zodiacal sign for approx 45 days. Both Sun and Mars produce heat but the one of the Sun is actually life preserving, but the excessive, explosive heat generated by Mars may actually endanger life. Mars is robust, courageous and confident planet. It is born to the earth and that is how it is also known by the name Bhauma or Bhumi Putra. It influences energy, drive, administration, leadership abilities, independent spirit, competition, assertion, a daring stamina, ambition, achievement, passion, drive and determination. It stands for land, army etc. It is habitual of sparking of riots, accidents and surgery. Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy. Mars is the commander which indicates martial powers, martial arts and the military explosives and fire arms.
Exalted |
: |
Capricorn |
Debilitated |
: |
Cancer |
Body Part |
: |
Muscles |
MahaDasha |
: |
7 years |
Gem |
: |
Coral |
Numerology |
: |
7 |
Colour |
: |
Red |
Nakshtra |
: |
Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanishtha |
Element |
: |
Fire |
Bhav Karak |
: |
3,6 |
Mantra |
: |
‘Om ang angarkaya namah’ |
Day |
: |
Tuesday | |
It is a variable, vacillating and small planet. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun. It takes about 88 days to complete its orbit around the Sun. Being nearest to Sun, mercury is restless and this makes is quick changing and fickle. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and assumes the gender of the Sign it is in. Mercury is termed as Moon’s sun. The planet gets it name Mercury as those with ill placed mercury and their horoscope with have mercurial temperament. It can easily be befriended. Its domain is once mental faculties like high writing abilities, speaking, communication, learning, logic, reasoning, grasping power, awareness, possibilities, opinions, manner of thinking, how we create and express our thought processes etc. It is also the ability to rationalize things. It bestows one with sharp intellect in editing, publishing, law, bank, journalism, religion, insurance, income tax, sales tax, engineering, and speculation. It’s generally compare with tender and green grass. It is a talkative planet person ruled by mercury is quick witted and quick tempered. Mercury being a fast moving planet makes the person with fast gait. Mercury is about short trips. A visit to a neighbor or a friend across town, the workaday commute, a weekend getaway, siblings and transportation in general, are also within Mercury's realm.
Exalted |
: |
Virgo |
Debilitated |
: |
Pisces |
Body Part |
: |
Skin |
MahaDasha |
: |
17 years |
Gem |
: |
Emerald |
Numerology |
: |
5 |
Colour |
: |
Green |
Nakshtra |
: |
Ashlesha, Jyestha, Rewati |
Element |
: |
Earth |
Bhav Karak |
: |
4,10 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om bum budhaya namah' |
Day |
: |
Wednesday | |
Jupiter is a noble positive dignified fiery and the biggest planet. It takes approx 12 years to complete its orbit around sun and does remains in one zodiacal sign for almost one year. Jupiter is amongst the slow moving planet and whenever it changes sign major changes are observes in the life on earth in general. It is masculine energy. It is considered as ‘Brahaspati’ or ‘DevGuru’ that is the teacher of Devs and therefore is a natural benefic. It is a planet of activating expansion and is generally a giver. People under the influence of Jupiter are jovial, lively and good tempered. Jupiter assists us in formulating our ideology and influence thinking capacity of a person. In the more spiritual realm, Jupiter lords over religions and philosophy. Jupiter's action is to expand, preserve and increase on all levels. In astrology it rules higher mind, wisdom, enthusiasm, benevolence, generosity, good luck, cheer, health, wealth, optimism, happiness, success, expansion, growth opportunity and joy. It is a symbol of opportunity and always opens way for new opportunities in the life. Jupiter is the minimization of limitation and gives emphasis on spirituality and potential.
Exalted |
: |
Cancer |
Debilitated |
: |
Capricorn |
Body Part |
: |
Fat |
MahaDasha |
: |
16 years |
Gem |
: |
Yellow Sapphire |
Numerology |
: |
3 |
Colour |
: |
Yellow |
Nakshtra |
: |
Prnavsu,Vishakha,PurBhad |
Element |
: |
Space |
Bhav Karak |
: |
2,5,9,10,11 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om bram brahaspataye namah' |
Day |
: |
Thursday | |
Venus is also known as 'Shukra'. It is a feminine planet possesses grace and ease. It is also known as evening star. Venus takes 225 days to complete its orbit around sun. It is never more than 47 degrees from the Sun. It is considered to be the goddess of love, beauty, marriage, romance, passion, wealth, dance, music, rain, bed room, comfort, harmony in our emotional attachments, friendship and other unions (like business partnerships). Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Luxuries (jewelry, paintings, and expensive cars), good food and drink, a beautiful home and a sense of refinement all please Venus's interests. This Planet asks us to appreciate the exquisite nature of things. It's a sensual, though not necessarily sexual. This Planet is inextricably linked to refinement, art, culture, charm and grace.
Exalted |
: |
Pisces |
Debilitated |
: |
Virgo |
Body Part |
: |
Sexual Organs |
MahaDasha |
: |
20 years |
Gem |
: |
Diamond |
Numerology |
: |
6 |
Colour |
: |
White |
Nakshtra |
: |
Bharni,Purvasadha,PurvPhalguni |
Element |
: |
Water |
Bhav Karak |
: |
7 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om shum shukraya namah' |
Day |
: |
Friday | |
Saturn is a cold, dry, masculine energy planet. Saturn with its dramatic ring system is the most beautiful object in the space. It takes 29½ years to complete its orbit around sun. So it remains in one zodiac sign for about 2 and ½ years. Saturn with its slow motion and large size has sizeable influence on individual as well as national affairs. In Mythology, Saturn is regarded as a son of ‘Surya’ and ‘Chhaya’ (The shadow) but there is an inherited enmity between son and father. Mythology provides its reason too, when sun came in contact with the chhaya, she got severe sun burn during the contact and Saturn born out of this became permanent enemy of his father for having hurt his mother. Therefore whenever Saturn and sun is in the same sign in a horoscope they don’t feel comfortable and prospects of the house are adulterated. Astrology has established Saturn as a planet of delays and at times planet of denials, but there is a saving grace, as the ancient text says that whatever delays or losses are attributable to Saturn are sublimated into maturity of soul, as always a win-win state does not give opportunity for introspection. It is the taskmaster of the Zodiac. Discipline and responsibility are important to this Planet. Saturn rules time, old age and sobriety. Well placed Saturn gives fame, success, honor, justice, love, wisdom, leadership ability, authority and long life and when ill-placed, causes distress, failure, dejection, difficulties, nervousness, sorrow, depression, gloom, jealousy and greed, or serious acceptance of responsibilities out of which success will develop. Also historians, archaeologist, coveters of museums, workers in refrigeration factories etc are ruled by Saturn.
Exalted |
: |
Libra |
Debilitated |
: |
Libra |
Body Part |
: |
Nerves |
MahaDasha |
: |
19 years |
Gem |
: |
Blue Sapphire |
Numerology |
: |
8 |
Colour |
: |
Black |
Nakshtra |
: |
Pusya,Anuradha,Utrabhdrapd |
Element |
: |
Air |
Bhav Karak |
: |
1,6,8,10,12 |
Mantra |
: |
'Om sham shanesharaya namah' |
Day |
: |
Saturday | |
Rahu is the head part of the celestial snake. It is innovative, diplomatic and understands people nerve. Rahu is planet of contraction. It is described as a shadowy planet (‘Chayya Grahas’). They have no substance and are physically non-existent. Yet their influence is full of potency and spiritual significance and so powerful than the Sun, which combusts other planets due to its luminescence, is eclipsed by coming within 14 degrees from Rahu or Ketu and a solar or lunar eclipse results. Rahu is a node that is positioned where the earth's trajectory around the Sun and the Moon's trajectory around the Earth meet. It completes one circle of the zodiac in 18 years in a retrograde fashion. According to the Puranas, Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. Rahu is often called the Planet of Grand successes and unexpected gains because it act as a accelerator and a catalyst. Rahu doesn't rule any zodiac, since it is not a real planet. Rahu behaves like Saturn. Rahu is a 'shudra graha', hence people influenced by Rahu behave like illiterate and uncultured people, it crave for pleasures and never satisfied with the gains. It deals with drugs, poisons, over ambition, power play, hidden knowledge, skin diseases, small pox, deception, politics, political maneuver, inventions, scientists, execution, diseases, disenchantment, thieves, witches, magicians, venom snakes and thorny bushes, jail travel, death, night, lost articles, hidden wealth, gambling, isolated places, cemeteries, accidents, aviation, pilots and hypnotists etc. On the same hand, black magic is also possible during the periods of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu also signifies foreigners in all fields, people, countries, tastes.
Exalted |
: |
Taurus |
Debilitated |
: |
Scorpio |
Body Part |
: |
- |
MahaDasha |
: |
18 years |
Gem |
: |
Gomeda |
Numerology |
: |
- |
Colour |
: |
Indigo |
Nakshtra |
: |
Adra, Swati, Shatbhisa |
Element |
: |
Chhaya |
Bhav Karak |
: |
- |
Mantra |
: |
'Om ram rahuve namah' |
Day |
: |
-Thursday |
Ketu is the lower part of the celestial snake. Out of all planets ketu is set to be most enigmatic and mystical. This headless entity is not as bad as Rahu. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is a wind dominated, aged, powerful at night and animalistic. It is obsessive and compulsive in behavior. It is an abstract planet. Ketu regarded as a ‘Moksha karak’ because it helps the cause of liberation from cycle of life. Ketu endorsed one with supreme form of spiritual enlighten which in itself is the greatest boon for human existence. Ketu is mystical, brainless intensifies by dissolving materialistic into spirit creating inside into perception. It denotes unconscious desires. It also denotes the past. Ketu will act like Mars and so will its depositor. Fiery in nature, it signifies accidents or injury especially due to fire. Ketu is considered the keeper of the book of our life that is past and present Karmas. Its association with a planet has the capacity to boost it's capabilities. Ketu in conjunction with a benefic can give beyond your wildest expectations. Some of the signification of Ketu are ascetics, assassinations, trouble through cats, clairvoyance, contemplation, desire for knowledge, deep thinking, imprisonment, poison, intrigues, magical powers, poverty, mysticism etc.
Exalted |
: |
Scorpio |
Debilitated |
: |
Taurus |
Body Part |
: |
- |
MahaDasha |
: |
7 years |
Gem |
: |
Cat's Eye |
Numerology |
: |
- |
Colour |
: |
Smoke |
Nakshtra |
: |
Magha, Mool, Ashwini |
Element |
: |
Chhaya |
Bhav Karak |
: |
- |
Mantra |
: |
'Om kem ketave namah' |
Day |
: |
-Saturday |