Ganesh Chaturthi
Many people have dilemma between what is destiny and what is free will ? In other words what is fixed and what can be changed. Our sacred scriptures says…
What is the Trigger In our life events happens because of Three Reasons – Sankalp taken in previous birth for particular cause, clearing of karmic account and to clear our…
♥ The existence of a pure soul flow smoothly, then why to make effort to control life needlessly. So accept all the circumstances, without offering tremendous resistance. A beautiful journey…
Practicing Perfection is Fun Articles – आध्यात्म में उर्जा की अवधारणा, आध्यात्मिक उर्जा का क्षय कैसे हो जाता है, ऊर्जा देने की क्षमता , सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का हस्तानान्तरण , व्यक्ति वस्तु और स्थान…
It is easy to follow discipline , then to break it and face the consequences Articles – विवाह, तंत्र और ज्योतिष विज्ञान , ज्योतिष विज्ञान की उपादेयता, कुण्डलिनी, तत्व ज्ञान, पुरुषार्थ की प्राप्ति और…
Do not impose your mind on others.
Our desires cloud the vision for what we really Need & Deserve