Religious or Spiritual ? Often we are somewhere in between a Religious person and a Spiritual person. Yes, they are little different. When we follow particular set of actions…
Posts published in “Wisdom”
When a seeker progresses on path of spirituality, they experience within them is KARUNA BHAV (unconditional Mercy), which is a quality of GOD and like god they just want to…
Do people get any special blessing in spirituality? Or it’s the same for all ?
True love isn’t about what you want or desire from others, it’s about what all can you do or how far can you go for other’s RIGHT & REQUIRED…
यद्यपि आध्यात्मिक ऊर्जा के संचय के लिए गुरु और शिष्य दोनों का प्रयास आवश्यक है किन्तु उत्तरदायित्व शिष्य का ही अधिक होता है। गुरु का कार्य आध्यात्मिक ऊर्जा के…
It is not necessary that transfer of energy is always in positive form. This means negative energy can enter into a Sattvik person without any warning . Nature and…
“Thoughts” surprisingly I never bothered myself to give any thought to my thoughts. It happened always that it kept coming in my mind and then drove me away in…
Important Divine facts about PRAYER– Let us know how divine power work or act when we do prayer –
We all believe in God in one or the other form and so we do our daily prayers and worship. But what may be the reason that our prayers are…