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Posts published by “admin”

Energy Exchange-Different Aspect-Part 4

admin 0

  Place and People affect our Energy level to a very great extent. Going out without precautions like extra jaap, some specific remedial measures  and awareness makes us vulnerable for…

Energy Exchange-Different Aspect-Part 3

admin 0

  After getting up i explained my situation to my Guru and it was the time, whatever he explained, went directly in my brain. Here is my learning I am…

Energy Exchange-Different Aspect-Part 2

admin 0

  The next day we had to travel to another city for some work. I was happy that somehow i had managed to complete my puja before leaving from home.…

Energy Exchange-Different Aspect-Part 1

admin 0

  As a spiritual seeker when I started my Journey, I was advised to speak less, less conversation and contact with people. Though I read these instructions in other spiritual books…

Do not Mind

admin 0

To quieten the mind , do not mind the mind    

follow rules

admin 0

Follow  rules  to  find  supreme  

To evolve,  correct flaws

admin 0

You can’t evolve , if you can’t understand your flaws,coz they are happening for a reason to show you your path for your next destination.  

Difficult time is Good time

admin 0

Every difficult situation is the indirect sign of supreme to tell us that we have managed to gain his/her attention and our karma has started working out, better we perform…