In my dhyaan i Was asked to complete my duties and get myself only focus to my duties, not making others happy but fulfilling my duties. It’s the karma…
Posts published by “admin”
इस वर्ष ११ नवंबर २०१५ को दीपावली , स्वाति और विशाखा नक्षत्र, सौभाग्य योगकालीन प्रदोष काल, निशीथ काल और अल्प समय व्याप्त महा निशीथ काल व्यापिनी अमावस्या विशेष…
In the very beginning of my spiritual journey, spirituality was lot into my chanting or meditation, but it was not in to my actions. On the contrary spirituality is not…
Why a Spiritual seeker is more VULNERABLE for energy exchange In people with the dominance of tamo guna, there is a thickened barrier because of negative karmas. Through this barrier exchange of energy…
Selfless service or help of a needy is the highly praised virtue in our scriptures. The whole nature helps us selflessly but somewhere it also works on the principle…
Dont give up The clouds will move soon, and the sunshine will rise✨
Till The time our mind is under the influence of our body the soul will become the shadow of body, but if The mind gets influence by the soul it…
Religious or Spiritual ? Often we are somewhere in between a Religious person and a Spiritual person. Yes, they are little different. When we follow particular set of actions…
When a seeker progresses on path of spirituality, they experience within them is KARUNA BHAV (unconditional Mercy), which is a quality of GOD and like god they just want to…
Do people get any special blessing in spirituality? Or it’s the same for all ?